The Characteristics and Features of Thoroughbred Horses
Fact Sheet 1
Learning Areas:
Offering teachers and students free curriculum aligned resources designed to explore Australia’s thoroughbred industry.
These resources are designed for primary-aged students, the fact sheets can be used to enhance literacy learning and facilitate modelled, shared, guided or independent reading in the classroom and beyond.
Each fact sheet includes differentiated worksheets to provide students with hands-on, cross-curricular learning experiences across the Science, Mathematics, Design and Technologies, and English Learning Areas.
Fact Sheet 1
Learning Areas:
Fact Sheet 2
YEAR 3-4
Learning Areas:
Fact Sheet 3
YEAR 1-4
Learning Areas:
Fact Sheet 4
YEAR 4-6
Learning Areas:
Primary Student Fact Sheets 1-4
Primary Student Fact Sheets 1-4
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Thoroughbred Breeders Australia (TBA) is the national peak body established for the benefit of the Australian thoroughbred breeding industry. TBA, a not-for-profit organisation, has a membership base of 4,200 individual breeders and other industry participants, and is also the parent company of the six state breeders’ associations.