Fact Sheet 3

The Needs of Thoroughbred Horses

YEAR 1-4

Resource Overview

Year 1 – 2
Tracing activity
10 minutes
Year 3 – 4
Comprehension activity
10 minutes
Year 1 – 4
Thoroughbred horse helper videos
12 -15 minutes
Year 1 – 4
Career tags activity
20 - 50 minutes
Year 1 – 4
A day in the life of a training racehorse literacy activity
5 - 10 minutes
Year 1 – 2
A day in the life of a training racehorse maths challenge
25 - 40 minutes
Year 3 – 4
A day in the life of a training racehorse maths challenge
15 - 30 minutes

Students learn about the basic needs of thoroughbred horses (air, water, food, shelter, and companionship) and how the places where they live are designed to meet these needs. Through a differentiated maths problem-solving task, students learn about a day in the life of a thoroughbred horse and the different occupations involved in meeting the daily needs of thoroughbred horses.

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Thoroughbred Breeders Australia

Thoroughbred Breeders Australia (TBA) is the national peak body established for the benefit of the Australian thoroughbred breeding industry. TBA, a not-for-profit organisation, has a membership base of 4,200 individual breeders and other industry participants, and is also the parent company of the six state breeders’ associations.
